Our free resources offer vital information and advice about anaphylaxis, including the signs and symptoms to look out for and what to do in an emergency.
- Dogs in Schools guidance
- Posters
- Risk assessments
- Best Practice guide
- Template letters
Online training and information for schools, nurseries and pre-schools.
Keeping children and young people with allergies safe during the time they are in your organisation demands proactive strategies and concrete actions. Navigating the complexities of food allergen management requires whole organisation awareness. In order to support this, we have compiled a comprehensive set of guidance and recommendations for every sector or organisation that works with children and young people.
This guidance grounded in legislation, regulatory requirements and best practice addresses key areas such as staff training, communication, policies and procedures.
Schools have a legal duty to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions including allergies. The most serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) usually begins within minutes and can be life-threatening. Sadly, there have been cases of fatal anaphylaxis happening when a child is at school. Lessons learnt from these tragic cases emphasise the need to have robust allergy management systems in place.,
By adopting a holistic approach to allergen management organisations can create a safer, more inclusive environment that fosters trust and loyalty among all stakeholders.
Our new and improved AllergyWise® courses will help you understand the common causes of an allergic reaction, how to recognise and manage anaphylaxis, how to use adrenaline auto-injectors, and provides practical tips for safely managing pupils with allergies.
The course takes ~1 hour and includes quizzes, practical scenario videos, optional narration, final assessment and downloadable digital certificate of completion. Additional benefits include our allergy awareness lesson resource packs and the opportunity to achieve our AllergyWise® School award!
This course for all school staff covers common causes of allergic reactions, symptoms of anaphylaxis, how to use adrenaline auto-injectors (EpiPen® and Jext®), and how to manage pupils with allergies in school, including responsibilities, risk assessment, Allergy Action Plans, allergy bullying, storage of adrenaline auto-injectors and practical scenarios.
This course for all early years providers covers common causes of allergic reactions, symptoms of anaphylaxis, how to use adrenaline auto-injectors (EpiPen® and Jext®), and how to manage children with allergies in early years settings, including allergen avoidance, responsibilities, risk assessment, Allergy Action Plans, storage of adrenaline auto-injectors and practical scenarios relevant to early years settings.
Our free resources offer vital information and advice about anaphylaxis, including the signs and symptoms to look out for and what to do in an emergency.
These awards celebrate and reward schools and early years settings across the UK for their commitment to raising allergy awareness among staff and pupils. By increasing understanding of allergies and the ability to recognise the signs of an allergic reaction, schools and early years settings create a safer environment for all children with allergies.
This award recognises early years settings who complete our AllergyWise® for Early Years Settings online training course, have robust allergy protocols in place, encourage allergy awareness with staff and children, and ensure the setting is an inclusive environment for children with allergies.
This award recognises schools who complete our AllergyWise® for Schools online training course, encourage allergy awareness with pupils by delivering lesson resources included with our online training course, hold spare adrenaline auto-injectors and have a policy in place for allergy management at school.
Each sector within education has statutory and non-statutory guidance that is applicable to that phase.
Information and resources to support all Early Years Settings, including nurseries, pre-schools and childminder to safely manage young children with serious allergies.
Information and resources to support primary schools to meet statutory responsibilities and create allergy aware schools.
Information and resources to support secondary schools to meet statutory responsibilities and create allergy aware schools.
Information to support further and higher education establishments develop best practice policies that ensure students with allergies can be fully included in college life.
Dr Adrian Sie, consultant in paediatrics at NHS Lanarkshire and lead allergy specialist speaks with Simon Williams about nut-free schools. Is it a good idea for schools to go nut-free to minimise the risk for children with a nut allergy? Should a school go nut free?
Anaphylaxis UK is delighted to be working with NHS Trusts in Gateshead & Newcastle-upon-Tyne on their BeatAnaphylaxis course for schools in the North East.
AllergyWise® has evolved into one of the UK’s leading anaphylaxis training courses for schools, healthcare settings, and workplaces, reaching thousands of staff and individuals across the country.
The holidays are a time to enjoy with family and friends, but for those with allergies, they can also bring added challenges. Whether your guests have food allergies, asthma, or other sensitivities, it’s essential to prepare your home to minimise