When visiting potential schools, you may feel unsure of the right questions to ask. This list is not exhaustive, and you may have many more questions that you can ask the secondary schools of interest.
Some suggestions that you might like to think about:
- How does the school manage allergies, anaphylaxis and its treatment?
- Where can I find the school’s policy supporting pupils with medical needs? Does it include how the school manages allergies and anaphylaxis?
- Can a meeting be arranged with staff and my child before they start to discuss the allergies and how these can be managed safely?
- How does my child’s allergy action plan/risk assessment/individual healthcare plan get passed to the secondary school?
- How many staff (including non-teaching staff and volunteers) are given the opportunity to undertake anaphylaxis training?
- Will my child be encouraged to carry their AAIs on their person where possible?
- If there is a reason my child can’t carry their AAIs on their person, where will they be kept?
- Where will my child’s AAIs be kept during sports so that they are immediately accessible?
- Does the school choose to purchase spare AAIs each year?
- What is the process for managing allergies in the school canteen? Will my child be able to eat canteen food safely and if so, how will they know which food items contain the allergen? How can I communicate with the caterers?
- How will my child’s allergies affect their ability to join in with extracurricular activities, after-school clubs or school trips and events? What steps will the school take to ensure that my child is able to participate safely?
- Is the school community educated on allergies, anaphylaxis and emergency treatment, to raise awareness?