This campaign has been funded by ALK

Check the Expiry Date!

Adrenaline is the first line of treatment for serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). It is available on prescription in a pre-loaded injection device known as an adrenaline auto-injector or AAI.

But the adrenaline used in these devices degrades over time and may become less effective after the expiry date. With that in mind, it is vitally important that you check the expiry date of your AAIs and request replacements a month before they are due to expire.

IF your AAI has already expired, you must replace it immediately.

Expiry Alert Service

We know life is busy and it can be difficult to keep on top of expiry dates, so to make it easier you can sign up to a FREE expiry alert service with your adrenaline auto-injector brand.


With both of these alert services, alerts will be sent to you via email or text in advance of the expiry date as a handy prompt to contact your GP for replacement devices.


If your AAI has already expired then please do get in touch with your GP to order a replacement as soon as possible.

Top Tips

Here are our top tips to ensure your AAIs are ready to go when you need them :
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Anyone who is at risk of anaphylaxis should always carry two in-date AAIs with them at all times. Make sure both AAIs are in date!
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Make sure you replace your AAIs at least one month before the expiry date.
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Sign up for a FREE expiry alert service with the manufacture/supplier of your AAI.
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Don’t forget to check the expiry date on any AAIs you may leave with your child’s school or any spares you may leave with relatives/friends. Remember the AAIs may have different expiry dates so it's important to know the expiry date of every AAI.
  • right_arrow_orange_icon Keep your AAIs in their original containers to stop light getting to them. Do not store them above 25°C and do not freeze them or keep them in the fridge. Check your devices regularly to make sure the liquid is clear and colourless. If it seems discoloured or contains particles, replace it, regardless of the expiry date.
  • right_arrow_orange_icon If you have just got new AAIs and they look defective, return them immediately and report this using the MHRA’s Yellow Card Scheme.

Make sure you know how to use your Adrenaline Auto-Injectors 

If you have been prescribed an AAI then make sure you know how to use it if the situation arises. You can ask your doctor, practice nurse, pharmacist or school nurse to show you how if you’re not sure.

Everyone who might need to give you or your child adrenaline in an emergency should also learn how to use your AAIs. This may include family members and colleagues, or school and nursery staff if the adrenaline is for a child.

Our AllergyWise online training courses can also help, or you can watch demonstration videos on the manufacturer’s website or our podcast below.

And don’t forget to visit the resources on our website to ensure you know what to do in an emergency.

Watch our podcast on Adrenaline Auto-Injectors 

How to use adrenaline auto-injectors with Dr Matt Doyle and Anaphylaxis UK's Simon Williams

Simon talks to Dr Matt Doyle about how to use the three different types of AAI, when to use them and what to do in an emergency.


Download our adrenaline factsheet

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