What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint can be made by an individual or a group. You may wish to complain if you are not satisfied with the service you have received from the Anaphylaxis UK, or the way in which you have been treated by our representatives, such as volunteers and staff.

Why is complaining important?

We value your comments and we learn important lessons form the feedback we receive that help us to improve our services.

We promise to respond to all complaints in a professional, consistent and transparent manner and aim to resolve them as swiftly as possible.

You have a right to expect the very highest standards from us. If we don’t meet those standards and you are not satisfied with any part of our services, policies or conduct, you should tell us.

Who can complain?

This procedure is for members of the public who have received any form of service from the Anaphylaxis UK.

It does not cover complaints made by Anaphylaxis UK staff, volunteers or Trustees, who need to follow agreed grievance, disciplinary or other internal procedures, the details of which are available in the Staff Handbook or Anaphylaxis UK policies.


How do I complain?

  • Stage 1 – Informal

  • Stage 2 – Formal

  • Stage 3 – Appeal

  • Taking a complaint further