Anaphylaxis UK is dedicated to supporting people affected by allergies. To help guarantee the availability of ongoing funds and future sustainability to pay for this work, Anaphylaxis UK aims to maintain a broad base of different sources of funding. Wherever possible, Anaphylaxis UK will seek to secure unrestricted funding which at least in part supports core costs.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure clarity and openness to all our stakeholders and third-party organisations.
Anaphylaxis UK commits to:
Anaphylaxis UK actively seeks opportunities to work together with external organisations and individuals to achieve shared objectives. However, it is vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow any external partnerships to bring the name of Anaphylaxis UK into disrepute.
Anaphylaxis UK therefore accepts financial support from, and partnership working with, companies and individuals on the following conditions:
Cause Related Marketing, Affinity Marketing and Product/Service Endorsement
Endorsement of products/devices/apps related to anaphylaxis will be assessed by the Senior Management team who will seek medical advice to inform their decision-making. Services, i.e. insurance etc will be assessed by the Senior Management team on a case by case basis with analysis of the merit of the service as well as risk attached. With lower value relationships these will be similarly assessed for merit and risk but with any endorsement only extending to the value of the purpose of the product/service rather than the individual product itself.
Avoidance Criteria
Anaphylaxis UK will not accept donations from any party whose activities and business practices are considered unlawful or unethical or may cause harm to the work of the charity.
Anaphylaxis UK will not accept funding or support from any party whose activities are in competition to the work of the charity, does not support the aims of Anaphylaxis UK or seeks to achieve commercial or moral gain as a result of the funding.
Acceptance Criteria
When deciding whether to accept any donation, the Chief Executive and the Trustees have a duty to demonstrate to the Charity Commission that they have acted in the best interest of the charity, and that association with any donor does not compromise Anaphylaxis UK’s ethical position, harm our reputation or put future funding at risk.
Anaphylaxis UK complies with all relevant legislation including money laundering rules, the Bribery Act, Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator guidance, including terrorism and political activity.
Anaphylaxis UK therefore would not accept any of the following where the donation:
Anaphylaxis UK will undertake to communicate this policy to all its stakeholders. Any use of corporate logos will be carefully considered, and no undue prominence will be given.
Consistency with Anaphylaxis UK objects, independence and reputation
Anaphylaxis UK priorities and programme of work is informed by what is in the best interest of its members, volunteers and the wider allergic community. Anaphylaxis UK will only undertake work which is consistent with its agreed programme and priorities for any given year.
Anaphylaxis UK will always retain complete editorial control over any published material, work programmes events and meetings, regardless of who has funded them.
Anaphylaxis UK will not endorse or promote specific products or services, or lobby for them in a commercial way and will seek to ensure it is not acting in a way that could give the appearance of favouring any commercial interest of the funder. Collaboration with third parties on campaigns, lobbying or calls to action will only be undertaken if they alight with Anaphylaxis UK’s own priorities and values.
Anaphylaxis UK logo and name are copyrighted and may only be used by a funder or support with the explicit permission of the charity and must be approved by senior management before being used.
Anaphylaxis UK complies with the Charity Commission and UK law in every respect, including those regarding openness and honesty with our supporters and members of the public. A copy of the latest Annual Report, which transparently shows how our income is generated and spent, is available on our website or can be requested directly.
As registered members of the Fundraising Regulator, Anaphylaxis UK follows its Fundraising Promise to ensure our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful. Anaphylaxis UK adheres to all legal requirements and professional standards set by the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.
Anaphylaxis UK does NOT take part in reciprocal mailing agreements, employ third party fundraisers, utilize cold calling and share any identifiable personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.
Anaphylaxis UK retains member and supporter data for six years after the individual/organisation’s last interaction with the charity unless a request for data deletion is requested. The charity respects the privacy and contact preferences of all donors and responds promptly to requests to remove or amend details from the internal, secure database. Any complaints received will be processed and responded to promptly. Anaphylaxis UK manages donors’ information responsibly and in line with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. Please see the charity’s Privacy and Cookies Policy and Complaints Procedure for more information.
Use of donations
If supporters wish to make a donation to a specific area of Anaphylaxis UK’s work, such as our AllergyWise training or helpline, they may make a restricted donation by providing written instructions to this effect with their donation. In the instance that the charity cannot respect this, we will inform the donor and come to a mutual agreement on the use of the donation.