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The Asian community and an increase in reporting of allergies 20th July 2015

In recent years, we have noticed an increase in the reporting of allergies from the Asian community.  There has been some evidence that the reason for the increase is due to the Indian diet which uses a lot of dals and

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The Anaphylaxis Campaign contributes to the world’s biggest study of food allergies: Integrated Approaches to Food Allergen and Allergy Risk Management (iFAAM) 20th July 2015

25/03/13 The world’s biggest ever study of food allergies, spear headed by the University of Manchester, was launched on Friday 22nd March 2013.  The €9 million EU funded project builds on an earlier €14.3 million research study and will involve

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Thresholds and ?Free From? ? An explanation 20th July 2015

The food industry has made huge improvements in recent years in its provision of products for the food allergic community as well as those with specific dietary needs. However, we have recently found that there can be confusion about the

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European Food Information Council release new video ?Life with a Food Allergy? 20th July 2015

European Food Information Council release new video “Life with a Food Allergy” The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) have created an animated video called “Life with a Food Allergy” which aims to inform consumers about food allergies and allergen in

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Interactive game by EUFIC aims to educate children about food allergy 20th July 2015

Interactive game by EUFIC aims to educate children about food allergy The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) have created an interactive game with the aim to educate children on avoiding allergens in food in a fun and engaging manner. The

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Honorary President Dr. William Frankland to receive MBE 20th July 2015

Honorary President of the Anaphylaxis Campaign, Dr William Frankland to receive an MBE Dr. William Frankland, who turned 103 in March, has been awarded an MBE on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List this year for his contributions to allergy research.

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Our food adviser, Hazel, on the new EU Food Regulations 20th July 2015

Our food advisor, Hazel, featured in The Guardian to discuss the new EU Food Regulations and how they've affected her, as an allergy sufferer and expert in the area. For the full article click here.

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Anaphylaxis Campaign statement: Chefs say FIR ‘damaging creativity’ 20th July 2015 The new Food Information Regulation (FIR) came into effect from 13th December 2014.  Since its introduction staff at restaurants, cafés, delis, and takeaways are no longer allowed to say they do not know what is in their food, and

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FOOD ALLERGY: a burden carried by more than 17 million Europeans 20th July 2015

FOOD ALLERGY: a burden carried by more than 17 million Europeans In Europe, 1 out of every 20 children has one or more food allergies In the last decade, the cases of food allergies have doubled and the number of

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