A new review of the existing evidence, published in the British Medical Journal (the BMJ), has found that introducing allergen-containing food to infants’ diets from the age of 4 to 12 months was associated with a lower risk of multiple food allergies and eczema.
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Researchers from the Aston University aim to explore potential predictors of anxiety and quality of life in parents of children with food allergies, with intentions of gaining a greater understanding surrounding the complexities of caring for children with these medical needs.
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Researchers from the University of Aston are looking for parents and carers of children with a food allergy and either asthma, eczema or allergic rhinitis to talk about their experiences in a new study, aiming to improve understanding and support for caregivers.
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Coroner Richard Middleton has ended the inquest into the death of Georgina Mansergh who tragically died on 11th February 2023 aged 24.
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Chris was a fit and healthy 28-year-old, but a rare allergy to a carbohydrate in meat has completely changed his life. Here he talks through life with alpha-gal allergy.
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As the weather gets colder, it’s important to be proactive to protect your adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) from freezing. AAIs should go everywhere with you at all times. Find out why they need to stay above freezing and get top tips for keeping them at a safe temperature.
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Anaphylaxis UK is thrilled to announce that, for the third consecutive year, we have achieved PIF Tick accreditation for our comprehensive range of allergy factsheets.
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A round-up of food immunotherapy studies published in the last month.
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Allergens can find their way into a variety of unexpected products during the festive season, but if you or your child have allergies, you can still enjoy the food and decorations. Use this list of festive foods, drinks and decorations that might contain your allergen as a guide for what to look out for.
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