Anaphylaxis UK is delighted to be working with NHS Trusts in Gateshead & Newcastle-upon-Tyne on their BeatAnaphylaxis course for schools in the North East.
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AllergyWise® has evolved into one of the UK’s leading anaphylaxis training courses for schools, healthcare settings, and workplaces, reaching thousands of staff and individuals across the country.
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The holidays are a time to enjoy with family and friends, but for those with allergies, they can also bring added challenges. Whether your guests have food allergies, asthma, or other sensitivities, it’s essential to prepare your home to minimise
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Here’s a short list of Dos and Don’ts to apply to your social calendar this Christmas:
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Winter brings beautiful landscapes, festive cheer, and crisp air—but it also brings freezing temperatures that can pose a risk to your adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs). Whether you’re hitting the slopes, taking winter walks, or simply dealing with cold weather in the
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The University of Southampton are inviting parents and caregivers to share their experiences and views about feeding their baby. The study aims to look at how we can support parents and caregivers to prevent food allergy in babies. You will
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What are the most important questions for research to answer about allergies in children? Fill in the survey to help set the TOP 10 research priorities for food allergy in children! The University of Bristol and The James Lind Alliance
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It’s likely that you or someone you know is managing an allergy and at Anaphylaxis UK, we believe no one should feel left out during Halloween! That’s why we’ve put together our top tips for hosting the perfect allergy-friendly party,
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It can be overwhelming choosing a secondary school that you trust to keep your child safe and we know that parents, carers and students often feel unsure about what questions to ask to help them make the decision that is right for them. But rest assured, the team at Anaphylaxis UK have got you covered!
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