An anaphylaxis charity which offers training and support on food allergy safety has today (25 April) launched a brand-new online e-learning course for hospital ward staff. The Anaphylaxis Campaign, which already provides several free and paid for allergy courses for
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Press release shared on behalf of the Department of Health in the Northern Ireland Executive Health Minister Robin Swann launches the first Northern Ireland Rare Diseases Action Plan. The Action Plan sets out 14 high-level actions that will be taken
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Aimmune Announces Publication of UK and Ireland Findings from the APPEAL Study Highlighting the Practical and Emotional Impact of Living with Peanut Allergy – Largest study to date to probe the impact of peanut allergy on allergic individuals and their
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Friends of a young hurler, who died suddenly aged 23, have completed a 5k a day challenge to raise vital funds for a severe allergy charity in his memory. Michael McQuillan, who played for the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) team
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The Anaphylaxis Campaign, Allergy UK and the British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology have collaborated to develop new ‘Model Policy for Allergy Management at School Guidelines’ to help schools keep pupils with allergies safe. Hospital admissions due to food
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The Anaphylaxis Campaign and Allergy UK are facing a deluge of desperate enquiries in response to the government’s promotion of the importance and urgency of the booster vaccination. Previous information has led people living with allergies to believe that the
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The Anaphylaxis Campaign is calling for urgent action from the government to protect those with severe food allergies. This follows an alarming report in the Guardian of a case of life-threatening anaphylaxis to nuts in a hotel-quarantined individual. Anaphylaxis Campaign’s
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The All Party Parliamentary Group for Allergy in conjunction with the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) are today launching a report “Meeting the Challenges of the National Allergy Crisis” which calls for an influential lead for allergy to be appointed
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Anaphylaxis Campaign is pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Williams as CEO, as of 22 November 2021. Simon succeeds Lynne Regent, who retired in August 2021 after 13 years as Chief Executive. Simon was Head of External Affairs
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