A moving short film detailing the story of a father who almost lost his son to anaphylaxis while on a family holiday has been produced and re-launched ahead of Father’s Day by the Anaphylaxis Campaign as the only UK wide
Read moreHere John Schwab tells the true story of his young son's severe allergic reaction whilst on a family holiday. John Schwab, actor, producer and musician is an active supporter of the Anaphylaxis Campaign. You can find out more about
Read moreAnaphylaxis Campaign CEO Lynne Regent was part of a panel of esteemed judges at yesterday's FreeFrom Food Awards judging day. The awards are an annual event which aim to recognise excellence in freefrom food and raise the profile of freefrom with
Read moreThe Paediatric Allergy Group (PAG) have announced the launch of Allergy Action Plans for children at risk of anaphylaxis. These plans have been designed to facilitate first aid treatment of anaphylaxis, to be delivered by people without any special medical
Read moreThe Anaphylaxis Campaign was in attendance of the 3rd iFAAM Conference, which took place last week in Vienna on 25th – 26th of February 2014. The Campaign has been directly involved in two crucial sections of the iFAAM project, the
Read moreTo find out how to support the campaign, please click this link and get involved NHS Allergy services: what is the problem? The Facts About 1 in 3 of the population or 20 million people suffer from allergic disease About 7 million people
Read more12/09/2013 On Tuesday 10th September, we held an evening meeting in conjunction with the Food Standards Agency to raise awareness of and highlight specific foods used by the Indian community that have been linked to allergy causation and how best to
Read more19/11/2013 Following a recent successful conference regarding the iFAAM in Cork, the Allergic Reactions in the Community (AlleRiC) project is progressing towards its second stage. You may remember that the Campaign ran a small series of focus groups in Manchester
Read moreA new paper released on 25th November 2013, estimates how common death from anaphylaxis is based on data from 13 studies worldwide. Researchers from Imperial College, London, calculated that for any person with a food allergy the chance of dying from
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