18th September 2013 The Anaphylaxis Campaign welcomes the announcement yesterday from Nick Clegg, Lib Dem leader and Deputy PM, that all pupils at infant schools in England are to have the option of free school lunches from next September (www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24132416).
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17 July 2013 The Prescription Charges Coalition is really pleased that Lib-Dem MP Sir Bob Russell raised many of the concerns of the Coalition during his debate on the impact of prescription charges for people with long-term conditions, referred
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We recently summarised and published our impact as a charity in a report called 'The difference we make'. The report summarises what we achieved as a charity throughout 2012 and demonstrates how vital our work is in supporting people with
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The MMR vaccine is hot in the news at the moment with the recent measles outbreak. As a result we have had calls to our helpline on this subject. The advice from our Allergy Aunts is below. If you have
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The Anaphylaxis Campaign gave comment in an article this week discussing the progress made by commercial caterers on being inclusive of allergies, intolerances and dietary requirements in menus and food information. It charts the progress made in including information
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17/05/2013 An allergy expert at Addenbrooke’s is leading a ground-breaking study which will, for the first time, identify how much peanut will cause an allergic reaction in the UK population and whether exercise or stress make people more likely to
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06/06/2013 A recent UK/Australian article published in the journal Asia Pacific Allergy reviews the recent advances in the diagnosis and management of food allergy in children. It looks at the emerging technology of component testing, moves to standardisation of allergy
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18th June 2013 Professor John Warner, a former trustee of the Anaphylaxis Campaign and now an active member of our Clinical and Scientific panel has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to food allergy research.
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08/07/2013 We want to say a massive thank you to all those who got involved in our focus group sessions in June for the AlleRiC study. They have been really important to the project and brought us some fascinating and
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