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Investigation into mustard ingredients contaminated with peanuts draws to a close… As a result of this investigation, the FSA have lifted their precautionary advice to people with a peanut allergy to avoid eating foods that contain or may contain mustard, mustard powder, mustard seeds or mustard flour both in the home and when eating out as these products are now safe to eat.
Anaphylaxis Awareness Week 2024 took place back in October and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the number of people who got involved this year. But we’d like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to food manufacturer Greencore for their fantastic support and fundraising efforts.
The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has released new guidance to help food businesses prevent and manage allergen-related issues. This resource provides a clear approach for ensuring the safety of consumers with food allergies, offering valuable steps for companies, especially