The Anaphylaxis Campaign was delighted to attend the annual conference of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Harrogate from the 6th to 9th October 2021
This was the first face-to-face conference for the BSACI in two years and it was a great opportunity to catch up in person with so many of our long-standing supporting allergy experts, members, and industry professionals.
The conference speakers presented on a variety of contemporary issues including the impact of COVID-19 on allergy services, adapting to a new era, innovative allergy education models, managing transition from paediatric to adult allergy services, the introduction of Natasha’s Law and much more.
The Anaphylaxis Campaign’s newly retired CEO, Lynne Regent, gave a heartfelt speech reflecting on the advances and achievements in the allergy world during her 13 years as CEO and was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Professor Adam Fox to thank her for her outstanding contribution and dedication to improving the lives of those living with severe allergies.
The event highlighted the ongoing dedication of those working in the field to continue to advance our understanding of both the science and the clinical impact of allergic disease.
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