The All Party Parliamentary Group for Allergy in conjunction with the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG) has launched a report “Meeting the Challenges of the National Allergy Crisis” which calls for an influential lead for allergy to be appointed who can implement a new national strategy to help the millions of people across the UK affected by allergic disease.
The report was delivered to the Department of Health on Wednesday 27 October 2021 in the hope that Ministers will pay attention to the growing epidemic and the lack of NHS services available.
This report makes the following recommendations for action
Make allergy a priority and invest in a National Plan led by a designated Department of Health Civil Servant or NHS lead with sufficient authority to implement change. Bring together medical professionals and patient support organisations to work together to develop the strategy and help steer the work required to improve allergy services.
Expand the specialist workforce as a priority. Ensure training programmes prioritise allergy so that specialists of the future are appropriately trained and can safely deliver care.
Ensure all GPs and health care professionals in primary care have knowledge of allergic disease (8% of GP consultations are for allergy). Ensure allergy is included in the GP curriculum (RCGP have recently added allergy for new GP exams) and exit examination and improve allergy education for the already qualified GPs. Appoint a health visitor and/or a practice nurse with sufficient training to be responsible for allergy in each practice
For local commissioners to understand the allergy needs of their population; and that it is not adequate to assume that other specialties can deliver specialist allergy care. Commissioners should ensure access to adult and paediatric allergy consultants and pathways of allergy
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