As the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out continues apace in the UK, increasingly publicity has been given to the proposal that some form of certificate or ‘passport’ may be implemented, linked to the identity of the holder, to verify vaccination status and allow access to public venues, large gatherings, travel and other public arenas thereby, in theory, reducing the risk of passing on the virus to others.
It is very important to note that the vast majority of people with severe allergies can be vaccinated with ANY Covid-19 vaccination without the need for any special precautions at all. A very small number of people with may need to be offered their vaccination in a hospital setting with extra precautions, whilst an even smaller number of people may be advised against having the vaccine at all. For more information about the guidelines for vaccination of people with severe allergies please refer to our detailed FAQ page here or phone our helpline on 01252 542029.
On behalf of those patients with a known or suspected allergy to an ingredient of the Covid-19 vaccines or who have had a previous anaphylactic reaction to a first dose of Covid-19 vaccination, for whom it may not be possible to receive a full course of immunisation, we have written to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP to raise those concerns. We have received several calls to our helpline from individuals who find themselves in this situation who are extremely worried that they may be excluded from hospitality, entertainment, community settings and travel or unable to continue to work due to an occupational requirement for COVID-19 immunisation if a passport system is introduced without considering their circumstances and making sufficient allowance for a suitable medical exemption.
The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP has been asked by the Prime Minister to conduct a review of the issues around vaccine passports in the coming weeks.
You can read the letter that we wrote here.
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