It feels like summer is finally on its way. But as we all spend more time outdoors, the chances of being stung by a bee or wasp increase.
Anyone who has been stung by a bee or wasp is likely to suffer painful swelling at the site of the sting, and for most people, this isn’t dangerous. But for a small minority, an insect sting can lead to anaphylaxis – a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Our latest awareness campaign running this summer, aims to give you the information you need to know what to do if you or another individual has a serious allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting.
With that in mind, we are delighted to be launching our Bee and Wasp Venom Awareness Campaign for 2024, building on our successful Bee Allergy Aware campaign in 2023.
Supported by an educational grant from ALK, the campaign will offer invaluable guidance on bee and wasp sting avoidance, recognising anaphylaxis symptoms, the steps to take in an emergency and information about venom immunotherapy.
The campaign will run from this week through to September to cover the most active times for bees and wasps. Over the coming months we will be unveiling new and improved resources designed to further support individuals with bee and wasp venom allergies.
Simon Williams, Chief Executive of Anaphylaxis UK, said:
“Following the success of our Bee Allergy Aware campaign in 2022 and 2023, we’re delighted to be running the campaign again for 2024. Whilst our previous campaigns have been hugely successful, we’re looking forward to an even bigger campaign this year with additional resources being created to supplement the information already available on our website. We can’t wait to share this newly developed material with you over the summer months!”
In the meantime, if you would like more information on the campaign and to download the free mini-guide visit our Bee and Wasp Sting Allergies page.
Provide your email address to receive our printable guide outlining emergency symptoms and actions.
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