Children’s Colorado Hospital/ University of Colorado and collaborators across Canada, Europe, UK and Australia are working on an international study looking at baked milk and/or egg consumption by children after the successful completion of an oral food challenge. This important study aims to understand the introduction of baked milk and/or egg into the diet, including in what form, quantity and frequency, and the educational needs to support continued feeding at home.
You may qualify if:
Your child has a diagnosed milk and/or egg allergy and has successfully completed a baked challenge.
It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete each survey and all responses will remain anonymous. You can access the survey here.
Why your participation matters:
Your participation is vital to providing the researchers, and patient organisations like ours, with insight on the general comfort with baked foods and barriers to feeding baked egg and milk at home after a successful challenge.
The results of this survey will help to ensure we create meaningful tools and resources to help support families in keeping baked egg/milk in the diet, which ultimately can lead to a faster resolution of egg and milk allergies in children.
To start the survey, click here.
If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to email the Research team at Children’s Colorado Hospital/ University of Colorado at
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