Research opportunity for adults with food allergy: exploring self-efficacy

Research opportunity for adults with food allergy: exploring self-efficacy

  • 21 June 2024
  • Healthcare News
  • Research
  • Uncategorized

Adults in the UK with food allergy are invited to take part in Aston University’s survey on management of food allergy, quality of life and mental health. This is being run by Dr Rebecca Knibb and research students.

Aston University are running a study exploring self-efficacy in food allergy management in adults. Self-efficacy relates to the confidence someone has in carrying out behaviours. They have found that self-efficacy relates to quality of life and psychological distress such as anxiety.

The researchers have a questionnaire we can use to measure self-efficacy in parents of children with food allergy and we would like to see if this also works well for adults with food allergy. They also want to see if self-efficacy is related to quality of life and anxiety in adults with food allergy. This information will help them develop new ways to support adults to manage their food allergy.

Taking part involves completing some questionnaires online, each taking no more than 20 minutes to complete.

Find out more.